Academician Stefan Angelov graduated in veterinary medicine in Berlin. He is one of the founders of microbiology in Bulgaria. In 1923 the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine was opened at Sofia University and Prof. Angelov was elected as its Dean. He is the founder and first professor of the Department of Infectious Diseases, Bacteriology and Serology at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. In 1941-1942 he was also rector of Sofia University. And in 1947, the regular Professor Angelov founded the Institute of Infectious Diseases, Bacteriology and Pathological Anatomy and has been his leader for 15 years.
He is an extraordinary member of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Honorary Member of the German Academy of Natural Scientists in Halle, member of the German Academy of Agricultural Sciences in Berlin (GDR), Honorary Doctor of the Humboldt University in Berlin and of the Higher Veterinary School in Hannover.
Academician Angelov works in the field of sero-diagnostics and infectious diseases, immunoprophylaxis and microbiology. His scientific work is related to the study of a number of epizooties and the development of new methods for the diagnosis of various immuno-prophylactic agents.