Bojil Raynov (1857 - 1946) - teacher, education figure, journalist, translator, public figure
Born in Kotel on July 21, 1857. He graduated theology in Odessa and Kyiv and then literature in Belgium. He returned to Bulgaria and taught in Kotel, Ruse, Silistra and Varna; district governor for a short time in Shumen and Kyustendil - from 27.05 to 30.11.1887 and was recorded to have incomplete higher education. From 1881 to 1883 he was the director-manager of the Thessaloniki Bulgarian Male High School and established it as a leading educational institution on these lands.
He is a member of the Liberal Party and from 1890 to 1893 he is a member of the National Assembly. From 1914 to 1928 he was consecutively director of the State Printing Works, the Bulgarian Cooperative Bank and a teacher of literature at the Graphic School at the State Printing Works.
Bozhil Raynov is highly prized as a publicist, participates in publishing and editing the newspapers "Narodno saznanie", ''Svoboden grajdanin", Prolet" magazine and others.
Died on January 6, 1946 in Sofia.