For revenues in the budget of the Municipality of Kotel, according to the Local Taxes and Tariffs of Kotel Municipality:
IBAN : BG 71 SOMB 9130 84 15510044
Codes for types of payments:
- 445100 – Дарения, помощи и др. безвъзмездно получени суми от страната
- 441400 - Patent tax
- 442100 - Real estate tax
- 442200 - Inheritance tax
- 442300 - Vehicle tax
- 442400 - Household waste tax
- 442500 - Tax on the acquisition of property by donation and in a retributive way
- 442800 - Tourist tax
- 443400 - Other taxes
- 448007 - Fees for administrative services
- 446500 - Fines
- 448013 - Dog Fee
For deposits, guarantees and other foreign funds:
IBAN: BG 55 SOMB 9130 33 15510001
All listed IBAN bank accounts are in:
Obshtinska banka AD - Kotel Financial Center