Светското му име е Стойко Владиславов – книжовник и просветител. 1762 г. е съдбовна и за Паисий Хилендарски и за Стойко Владиславов. Паисий завършва „История славяноболгарская”, а Стойко е ръкоположен за свещеник и свещенодейства в местната църква „Св. Св. Петър и Павел”. Става и учител в килийното училище и се прочува като добър преписвач и подвързвач на книги. През 1765 г. след среща с Пайсий Хилендарски в Котел, той прави първия препис на неговата история. В своята преписка към нея поп Стойко пише:
"In the time of Bishop Gideon: I am a very sinful man, Stoiko: In the summer, our Lord Jesus Christ of the Holy Mother and the Virgin Mary: 1765 year of Adam from the creation of peace: the month of January on the 29th day. The story was passed by Paisii from Sveta Gora Atonska and swore it in the village of Kotel, the epitaph church, Hristos a pilgrim, and placed it in the Temple of the Apostle Peter and Paul, who are to say: God forgive who tortured and who insisted. And who absorbed or steals it is aphorized and cursed by the Lord God of Savaoth and by 12 apostles, and by 318 fathers and by four enagelists, and here by iron and by stone, it’s for ever ours. "
For more than 100 years, the transcript is kept in the church "St. St. Peter and Paul ", being used continuously. After the Liberation, it was taken to Sofia and is currently in NBKM. In 1781 he made a second copy for his own use.
Bishop Sofronii reaches the insight that Bulgarians have to read in a language they understand. He translated and published the first printed book in the New Bulgarian language "Kiriakodromion" or "Nedelnik" (1806). These are sermons for Sunday days. This printed book is handwritten and becomes leading for the Bulgarians. His autobiographical book "Life and Suffering sinful Sofronii" is a valuable historical document and literary monument. It is first published on the pages of the "Danube Swan" by G. Rakovski. Sofronii transcribes and binds a number of books, some of which contain also notes (that is, the author himself writes and contains - who, when, where and why he made the transcript) from him.