Detelina Adamova - Deputy Mayor Economic Politics
E-mail: [email protected]
Born on April 13, 1974 in Kotel
She graduated from Southwest University "Neofit Rilski" in Blagoevgrad in 1998. Professional qualification "Geography", specialization "Tourism".
Resource ''Economic Politics'':
1. Coordinates and controls the work of the municipal administration in the field of finance, economic development, municipal property management, European programs and investment policy, local taxes and fees.
2. Prepare a consolidated questionnaire and an annual report on the state of internal control in the public sector that summarize the annual questionnaires and reports on the financial management and control of the second-level spending units.
Reception days: Tuesday from 10:00 to 16:00
*** Registration for the reception days is carried out at the Center for Administrative Services of the Municipality - ground floor, room No 2, as follows:
For Deputy mayors - on a daily basis - within the working hours.
The citizens enrolling for the day of reception provide information on the issues they wish to be admitted, as well as telephone, e-mail contact.
The list of enrollers for the reception day and information on the issues of discussion is provided by an employee of the Center for Administrative Services of Deputy Mayors - the day prior to the relevant reception day - until 12.00.

E-mail: [email protected]
Роден на 05 юли 1977 г. в гр. Сливен
Завършва образованието си в Технически университет – София през 2001 г. с квалификация магистър по “Електроника и автоматика”, специализация “Компютърни системи”. През 2006 г. завършва Икономически институт на БАН и Великотърновски университет „Св. Св. Кирил и Методий” с квалификация магистър по финанси.
SHERIF KUVANDZHA - Deputy mayor of territory, ecology, culture, education, sports, youth, social and humanitarian services
E-mail: [email protected]
Born on July 13, 1970 in Kotel
Завършва образованието си в Шуменски университет „Епископ Константин Преславски” гр. Шумен през 1995 г., специалност Математика и физика. През 2006 г. завършва “Българско училище за политика”.
Resource "Territory, ecology, culture, education, sports, youth, social and humanitarian services":
1. Coordinate and control the work of the municipal administration in the area of spatial planning of the municipality, town planning, architecture, cadastre, regulation, construction and infrastructure;
2. Coordinate and control work in the fields of social activities, education, student health, culture and sports.
Reception days: Wednesday from 10:00 to 16:00
*** Registration for the reception days is carried out at the Center for Administrative Services of the Municipality - ground floor, room No 2, as follows:
For Deputy mayors - on a daily basis - within the working hours.
The citizens enrolling for the day of reception provide information on the issues they wish to be admitted, as well as telephone, e-mail contact.
The list of enrollers for the reception day and information on the issues of discussion is provided by an employee of the Center for Administrative Services of Deputy Mayors - the day prior to the relevant reception day - until 12.00.